Spooky Updates

Happy Fall

Hey Everyone,

 Hope you had an amazing summer, welcome to SPOOKY season!

So after the dumpster fire that is updating Unity versions (as mentioned in my last devlog) I made some real headway in getting the game into a newer state that I really really like. Here are some major updates:

Game Manager

You won't see it anywhere in game but I managed to make the game manager much tighter nit and super specific. Instead of using unity's inspector to add game objects to public variables, I just made the Gama Manager a container for global variables and game states. By switching these on and off I can trigger a lot of things and make gameplay smoother - for instance, changing weather or background music. 

The biggest advantage to reworking this came with resetting the game. Can other devs confirm that making a game reset nicely is a real pain, or is it just me? I find it so difficult and tedious to make sure all of the game objects connect, so just having a main manager that scripts find when they are made really helps when reloading the scene or switching scenes.


The puzzles are mostly the same, I just moved them around. I think these puzzles will remain pretty unchanged as I near the end of development - I'll just need to strengthen the link between this and some story elements. I added some new interconnected pieces to make you explore more, so let me know what you think of that!

 For an ending I was able to mostly reconstruct what I had going when you find all of the idols, but I did create a pretty cool lose condition. I made a strike system which is visualized for the player by HUD elements that look like bloody slashes. Very cutesy, very demure. This is a more visceral feedback for getting puzzles wrong and a huge upgrade in my opinion from my old system which was a basically a glorified timer. I might expand on it later.

I haven't done anything with collecting all the notes - but I think I'd like to make an alternate ending with a more hopeful outlook.


Honestly guys I really see it coming to an end soon. I mostly have some aesthetic things I wanna do, really nail the connection of gameplay and story, and of course have a lot more testing done. I appreciate you guys as always for playing my game and sticking with it! Please get in the comments and criticize my work so I can do better! 

Also, I have used Unity's build feature for Mac users. Please if you use a Mac for gaming play and let me know if anything doesn't work!


Devil Trees (MacOS) - zip file 450 MB
Oct 18, 2024
Devil Trees (Windows) - zip file 457 MB
Oct 19, 2024

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